• Early warning of process problems that impair quality
• Detection of gradual quality deterioration using EDDYTREND
• Replay of testing history of any tested product
• Complete documentation
• Water-cooled and particularly robust probe system
For producers of hot rolled material, PRUFTECHNIK offers a comprehensive inspection system that helps minimize the production of poor quality due to process malfunctions by giving a detailed real-time overview of the production trend.
Periodic defects caused by damaged rollers are recognized and the damaged component may be identified, giving all of the necessary data. Also, EDDYCHEK 5 alerts you to potential problems with the process or billet quality when the sensors identify a rise in random material and process defects. When networked to a central control panel, the testing system can be operated entirely by remote control: test parameters are prepared in advance and downloaded for each coil or batch when needed.
The system consists of the EDDYCHEK 5 eddy current tester, the optional EDDYTREND trend analysis software, and a water-cooled, robust test coil and holder.