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Dynamic shear rheometer : SmartPave

Viscosimeters, Rheometers

“ Two models to cover the whole spectrum of rheological asphalt and bitumen testing The well-established SmartPave dynamic shear rheometers are able to analyze unmodified and modified asphalt binder and bitumen within a wide temperature range, either according to standards or by means of classic rheological methods. While SmartPave 102e is the instrument which meets the highest measurements demands, SmartPave 92 is designed especially for the demands of quality control and routine measurements in asphalt test labs. The RheoCompass software : New paths for asphalt and bitumen testing RheoCompass is a navigation tool that gives you the complete overview as well as the exact insights you require. It contains numerous templates that are tailored specifically to the needs of the asphalt industry. The predefined test procedures contain step-by-step instructions for all test types as defined by AASHTO, ASTM, DIN EN and FGSV. Unique accessories for easy heandling SmartPave 92's and SmartPave 102e's unique temperature control unit is the first Peltier heating system with heating elements above and below the sample. Furthermore, the instruments feature Toolmaster - the only completely contact-free automatic tool recognition and configuration system for rheometers. It recognizes measuring systems and temperature control units as soon as they are connected to the rheometer. Entering your data manually will become a thing of the past. Fully automatic temperature calibration Anton Paar offers fully automatic temperature calibration and verification routines in the RheoCompass software. Temperature accuracy and stability are crucial in asphalt testing. The unique automatic temperature calibration routine ensures temperature gradients ”
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The dynamic shear rheometers (DSR) SmartPave 92 and SmartPave 102e allow precise measurements on asphalt binder and bitumen. Features such as Toolmaster, QuickConnect, a Peltier temperature device for dry sample heating, and step-by-step instructions for measuring procedures according to AASHTO T315, AASHTO T350, AASHTO TP101, ASTM D7175, ASTM D7405, and DIN EN 14770 guarantee the most convenient operation. For mesurements according to AASHTO T316, ASTM D4402, and DIN EN 13302, both instruments can be equipped with a Peltier-temperature-contolled measurement chamber for concentric cylinder geometries .

SmartPave 92 : 

  • The asphalt rheometer for quality control and routine measurements of asphalt and bitumen 
  • Illuminated sample area for perfect trimming results
  • Air-cooled Cool Peltier temperature accessory renders thermostats obsolete 
SmartPave 102e : 
  • The asphalt rheometer for research and development of asphalt and bitumen 
  • Features like TruGap (automatic gap measurement) and T-Ready (automatic sample temperature detection) included 
  • Suitable also for measurements of rubber-modified bitumen and at low temperature ranges down to -30°C

Powerful synchronous EC motor drive High precision air bearing with patented normal force sensor Intuitive color screen Patented Peltier temperature control device designed for asphalt applications per AASHTO T315 Dry heating, without flow of water around the sample Fully automated temperature calibration Toolmaster™: patented system for the automatic recognition of measuring systems and accessories QuickConnect connection: connection of the measuring system with one hand Sufficiently large working area for easy sample filling, adjustment and cleaning Ethernet connection for remote control of the device via the company network
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See also

Gas analysis Chemical analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids


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