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Dynamic mechanical analysis : DMA GABO EPLEXOR ® série Ultra-High


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These instruments offer static and additional dynamic force levels from max. ± 2000 N to max. ± 6000 N each, and are thus the perfect choice for investigating the dynamic mechanical (or only static) properties of rigid samples as well as of specimens with larger dimensions – even component parts.

Thanks to their modular design, ultra-high force DMA instruments can accommodate add-ons to additionally carry out tests on such properties as fatigue, heat build-up, blow-out, or rolling resistance.

All testing machines in this series are conform to standards such as DIN 53513, DIN 53533, ISO 6721/1, ISO 6721/4, ISO 6721/5, ISO 6721/6, ISO 4664, ISO 4666/3, ISO 4666/4, ASTM D623, ASTM D4065, and ASTM D4473.

Set for the Future

The DMA GABO EPLEXOR®® series allows for easy upgrades to the basic instruments with a lot of additional options or accessories. Force and strain sensors can be exchanged.  

Unsurpassed Flexibility

With the appropriate hardware and/or software add-ons (which can also be retrofitted), DMA GABO EPLEXOR®® can be converted into, for example, a Goodrich flexometer (ASTM D623), a 24/7 system with automatic sample changer or an instrument for high-temperature application.  

Non-Stop Operation with the Second-to-None NETZSCH Autosampling Systems

By adding one of the two available autosampling systems (ASC – automatic sample changer or MPAS – multi-purpose automatic sample changer), any DMA GABO EPLEXOR®® can be converted to a fully-automatic testing system for up to 160 samples, supporting bending, tension, shear and compression modes. The unrivaled MPAS even facilitates the insertion of sample holders in arbitrary order.  

Designed to Investigate Highly Stiff Materials

Based on a separation between the static and the dynamic drive in combination with blade springs, total force levels of up to 16000 N (static + dynamic) can be applied to the sample, enabling optimal conditions for studying metals, ceramics or composites.  

Maximum Safety during Fatigue and Tensile Tests

As fatigue or tensile tests at the highest force levels are often destructive experiments, the electrodynamic shaker requires effective shock absorption. This is assured by the unique blade spring system featured in NETZSCH instruments.  

Highly Economic LN2 Cooling

Optimized cooling control allows for low liquid nitrogen consumption while working at sub-ambient temperatures.


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See also

Gas analysis Chemical analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids


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