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DFA100 with Liquid Content Module – LCM

Chemical analysis

Inner ring: Antrifriction bearing steel, hardened, ground and polished.Outer ring: Swaged around the inner ring, sliding face made of high-duty bronze. Lubricant is distributed via the lubricating...

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Analyzing the liquid content of foams

The Liquid Content Module – LCM for our Dynamic Foam Analyzer – DFA100 measures the liquid content of foams and its change with respect to time based on the conductivity. The results provide information on the foam formation and help you to specifically optimize the liquid content and stability of foams.

Fast measurement of foam stability

The first sign that the foam is starting to decay is the discharge of liquid from the foam lamellae (drainage). Accurately measuring the liquid content in the foam as a function of time enables reliable conclusions relating to the stability of slowly decaying foams to be quickly reached. In contrast, when measuring the foam height, it is necessary to wait until the decay is complete before conclusions relating to stability can be drawn. Measuring the liquid content can therefore save measuring time and significantly increase sample throughput.

Accurate moisture analysis at seven height increments

The moisture content is measured simultaneously at up to seven height increments of the foam. This accurate high resolution shows how uniform the foam is and how the homogeneity changes with time. This information is important for the quality of edible foams, for example, which must have the same consistency at every level. In addition, the dense arrangement of conductivity electrodes means that a measurement is always available in the lower region and in the vicinity of the top of the foam. This makes comparative measurements of liquids which foam with different intensity more reliable and makes it easier to specifically optimize the liquid content.

Simultaneous height measurement and analysis of the liquid content

Together with determining the liquid content, the basic instrument can also measure the foam height without reconfiguring. This enables the foam decay curve to be correlated with the investigation of the liquid content. This shows, for example, the effect of measures taken to optimize the liquid content on the foam formation and stability.

Tasks and applications
  • Foams for washing and cleaning
  • Firefighting (moisture-content-dependent extinguishing and propulsion properties)
  • Foams in foodstuffs and body care products
  • Surfactant development
  • Flotation as a method for separating solids
Measuring methods and options
  • Simultaneous measurement of moisture content at up to seven levels
  • Maximum moisture content at every level
  • Half life (time for the liquid content to reduce to one-half) at every level


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See also

Gas analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids Electrodes, Measuring probes


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