Composition of liquids and density
“ Small space requirements enable the installation in every system L-Dens 2300 sensors are very small. The sensor and the process board form a compact unit. Thus, they can be easily integrated into different systems. Space requirements start at only 34 mm x 38 mm x 99 mm for L-Dens 2300 with wetted parts made of stainless steel Space requirements for L-Dens 2300 with wetted parts made of glass: 34 mm x 34 mm x 88 mm Space requirements for L-Dens 2300 with stainless steel housing: Flange diameter 64 mm x 64mm x 134 mm. Due to the small sensor size, systems can be designed to be more flexible, which supports you when fulfilling customer space requirements Suitable accuracy even at low flow rates The new U-tube which measures the density using the oscillating U-tube principle provides precise measuring values even at low flow rates, which is beneficial for the integration into third-party products such as soldering machines, engine test benches, and inkjet printers. Flow rate ≤80 L/h Accuracy of 3 digits One-piece oscillating tubes made of stainless steel with an inner diameter of 2.1 mm or glass with an inner diameter of 2.0 mm A lean design concept keeps your investment costs low The simple design, which is reduced to the most important components, keeps the investment costs low. Concentration formula included Interface RS-232 The right materials for the wetted parts The available wetted parts made of stainless steel or glass are prepared to withstand non-corrosive and aggressive process liquids. Choose the material according to your production media. Wetted parts are made of: Stainless steel for standard applications: fuel measurements at motor testing stations or determining the concentration of oils in solvents Glass to withstand aggressive process liquids for chemical applications such as determining the concentration of detergents or sulfuric acid Reduction of future capital expenditure L-Dens 2300 sensors are designed without moving parts. Once installed within a system, L-Dens 2300 does not require any maintenance or consumables. This keeps your current and future investment costs low. ”
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