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Compact digital refractometer: Abbemat

Structural analysis

“ For all types of samples Measure all consistencies within seconds – from liquids to pastes. Measures even turbid, colored, or opaque samples Unaffected by environmental humidity, temperature, or vibrations Minimal cleaning required – just wipe down the measuring prism after each measurement Easy to use right out of the box The Abbemat 3X00 refractometers come ready to measure immediately after unpacking. Ready to measure immediately after unpacking Intuitive user interface allows access to all measurement-relevant features on a 5.8” color touchscreen Can be operated even while wearing gloves Automatic warnings if the measurement prism is not clean or the sample volume is too low Space-saving, maintenance-free instrument Abbemat refractometers have no moving parts and are maintenance-free, so operators can spend time measuring instead of worrying about downtimes. Abbemat refractometers also fit nicely into any workspace – each model of the Abbemat 3X00 series takes up about the same space as a sheet of paper. ”
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For measuring the concentration and refractive index of liquids and pastes, the Abbemat 3X00 refractometers embody reliability, precision, and convenience. These benchtop refractometers offer you an exceptional combination of technical expertise and user-friendly operation. They are not affected by environmental conditions and require minimal cleaning and no maintenance. The premium technology and compactness of the Abbemat 3X00 refractometers transform time-consuming measurements into highly efficient quality control. Choose from three instruments designed to satisfy the requirements of your field of application and budget.

The Abbemat 3X00 series measures the concentration of binary solutions. With over 200 available methods – from acetic acid to Zeiss – Abbemat refractometers provide the quality control that you require.
Refractive index
Pharmaceuticals (methods acc. to Ph. EU / US / JP)
Food (e.g. Brix, sucrose, glucose, iodine value)
Beverages (e.g. Brix, invert sugar, sucrose, Zeiss)
Chemicals (e.g. sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid) 

Mesure the concentration of binary solutions More than 200 methods available Intuitive user interface
Download the complete technical features

Drinks Food Pharmaceutical Chemicals


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See also

Gas analysis Chemical analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids


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