Make full use of the power of modern printing presses: with customised automation of the ink supply system for the process and special colors, with a free choice of the container sizes.
technotrans has developed an unique product line that permits a central ink supply for sheetfed offset printing from large containers or 2 kg cartridges – tailored individually to your specific requirements! Printers who still use the can and ink knife approach should seriously consider whether their method is really capable of keeping up with increasing press speeds and the rising number of printing units per press.
Fluctuating ink levels in the ink ducts and the need to keep inspecting the ink level are further drawbacks, to which there is really only one solution: automation. Ink supply with method in it technotrans ink supply systems supply all sheetfed printing presses at your printing shop with ink on demand, with various degrees of automation possible.
Central ink supply systems have proved an effective means of supplying process colours. These comprise three components: The pump station: High-performance pumps transfer the ink from trading units such as hobbocks, barrels or mobile/stationary containers to the printing presses. The pipework system: High-pressure pipework systems with ink filters and integral consumption measurement deliver the ink to precisely the point where it is required.
The filling system: Fitted above the ink duct, and with different level of automation and operating comfort as required. The 2 kg ink cartridge is ideal for moderate levels of ink consumption and for special colors. technotrans is able to offer you solutions ranging from semi-automated squeezing to systems regulated fully automatically.
Do you need a combination of a central ink supply and fully automated cartridge handling? Our direct ink.line is a unique system that can be adapted individually to every constellation of requirements and gives the printer maximum flexibility.
All technotrans ink supply systems are based on the same principle: Reliability! Reliability! And a little extra reliability! Our many years of experience have taught us how important process stability is, and we have devised countless detailed features to keep processes stable.