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Catalized filter

Smoke filtering

“ Diesel partoculate catalized filter - CARMEX - CSC SYSTEMTM. A cleaner environment. ”
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Every day, car drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, are exposed to toxic gases. Who accepts today the sight of Diesel engines emitting clouds of black fumes and particulates.
Recently, studies revealed those clouds to contain ultra-fine particles of about 100 nm (nanometer about 50 times less than a hair).
Scientific research results indicates that those particles cannot be stopped in before the lungs and migrate directly towards lungs alveola.  It is urgent to react efficiently to eliminate those fines particles since these lungs alveola constitute an exchange area between air and blood.


Approved system, economical and effective control of particulate emissions Objective to get rid of black fumes and toxic gases with THE CARMEXCSCTM system.

The CARMEX-CSCTM system eliminates the soot and black fumes emitted by Diesel engines and modify toxic gases into non toxic gases.

Most of the applications for the CARMEX-CSCTM System are: 

• City buses
• Light duty or delivery trucks
• Heavy duty trucks
• City garbage trucks
• Construction machine or forklift

Both on retrofit or OEM market , the CARMEX CSCTM system is improving air quality in cities or local areas.


• Optimized emissions control solutions are best developed through close working relationships with customers and partners. With the increasing complexity of emissions control systems, Engelhard and Airmeex recognizes the importance of total system performance. More stringent emissions regulations are resulting in evolving technology requirements to meet Euro 4 standards or industry requirements.

• For example to meet Euro 4 standards, one approach is to tune the engine for low particulates and then use a DeNox technology such as SCR-selective catalyst regeneration to reduce NOx.

• The system consists of an integrated silencer catalyzed diesel particle filter. The coating technology give benefits to lowered regeneration temperatures, better passive regeneration performance, lower precious metal loadings and better hydrocarbon conversions.

• Greater than 95% of TPM (Total Particle Matter), HC (hydrocarbons) and CO (carbon monoxide) in diesel exhaust can be removed. In fact, it is possible to produce an engine that is cleaner in particulates than a natural gas engine.


The filter DPF sizing is depending on engine power and maximum exhaust back-pressure. The CARMEX-CSCTM system is generally fitted directly instead of the original silencer. Ultra low sulphur Diesel is recommended.
The CARMEX-CSCTM system could operate with higher sulphur contents, less than 350ppm, but the catalytic activity is decreased with sulphur in fuel.

How it works ?

Exhaust trap system :
• The particulate filter accumulates the soot into the trap during engine running. The back pressure is increasing at the exhaust. With a classical system, the engine must be periodically stopped and the filter must be regenerated, which disabled the vehicle for a period.

• The regeneration temperature is around 250°C. As soon as this temperature range is reached, the filter regeneration occurs continuously. Carbon particles are burned out under normal driving conditions. The coating with precious metal (like Platin,Pt) into the filter allows automatic regeneration by oxydation of the carbon particulates blocked on the trap. No additive is needed, only low sulphur diesel must be used (50 ppm or less).

 • The filter have to be cleaned about each 2000 h or 80.000 km to remove accumulated ashes in the trap. The cleaning process can be realized by the customer by removing the filter element or by a contract with Airmeex for an annual maintenance.



Check out all the products from category smoke filtering

See also

Gas filtering Dust filtering Oil mist filtration


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