In an perfect motor the fuel would not mix with the air and wouldn't completely burn, forming carbon gas and non toxic steam. The ideal motor doesn't exist and in all motors' exhaust gases we can find the components bellow:
Carbon monoxide CO: a toxic gas which can cause headaches, nausea, faint and even death if there is a large quantity of it. Unburnt hydrocarbons HC: releases a characteristic smell, for instance diesel. Oxide nitrogen NOx: can inflame throat and nose, responsible for the green house effect.
When installing an AIRCAT® catalyst, which dimensions are adapted to the motor, as close as possible to the exhaust manifold, a catalytic conversion of the pollutants at low temperature occurs.
The catalyst consists of a metallic structure which resists to high temperatures.
Then this monolith is impregnated with a wash coat in alumina in order to increase its active surface and includes a treatment with precious metals (Platinum Pt - Rhodium Rh - Palladium Pa).
This active layer of precious metals creates a catalytic reaction with the flow of exhaust gas. The higher the gas temperature is, the better toxic gases are reduced (reduction of 85% of the components).
The catalyst can either be assembled in the exhaust line or inserted in the former silencer or integrated in an AIRMEEX silencer in inbox for the first assemblage. AIRMEEX catalysts from the AIRCAT range are up to emission standards.
See also