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Passive harmonic filters

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The MAX7418–MAX7425 5th-order, low-pass, switchedcapacitor

filters (SCFs) operate from a single +5V

(MAX7418–MAX7421) or +3V (MAX7422–MAX7425)

supply. These devices draw only 3mA of supply current

and allow corner frequencies from 1Hz to 45kHz, making

them ideal for low-power post-DAC filtering and antialiasing

applications. They feature a shutdown mode

that reduces supply current to 0.2?A.

Two clocking options are available: self-clocking

(through the use of an external capacitor), or external

clocking for tighter corner-frequency control. An offset

adjust pin allows for adjustment of the DC output level.

The MAX7418/MAX7422 deliver 53dB of stopband

rejection and a sharp rolloff with a 1.6 transition ratio.

The MAX7421/MAX7425 achieve a sharper rolloff with a

1.25 transition ratio while still providing 37dB of stopband

rejection. The MAX7419/MAX7423 Bessel filters

provide low overshoot and fast settling, and the

MAX7420/MAX7424 Butterworth filters provide a maximally

flat passband response. Their fixed response simplifies

the design task of selecting a clock frequency


Check out all the products from passive harmonic filters from ON SEMICONDUCTOR

See also

Adapters Displays Switches EMC-components Capacitors Diodes Coils Wire, Cables, Cords


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