Syleam is well known among the contributors OpenERP and has developed some key modules.
OpenERP is an ERP system distributed as open source including functions such as sales management, customer relationship management (CRM), project management, warehouse management, production, accounting , human resources, marketing ...
Syleam has contributed to the category WMS (Warehouse Management System) which is a class for managing the operations of a warehouse. Syleam made this category specialization and has developed expertise on business logistics to meet your specific needs
With our team, you can integrate WMS modules within OpenERP as:
Stocks extended, management of sites, picking, inventory (partial / global), management of bar codes, dimensions and weights, warehouse area for multiple clients.
WMS Scanner:
Module to manage barcode readers
WMS Inventory:
Module to manage the inventory process
WMS Dashboard:
Module for a dashboard
WMS Routing:
This module allows you to associate sounds with orders to set default locations automatically on movements
WMS Transfer:
Transfer Wizard stock of a warehouse to another
WMS Crossdock:
Module to manage the transition to dock
WMS Wave:
Module to process the sample by group, wave
Stock Scanner:
Can manage barcode readers with simple scenarios - You can define a Workflow for each object (stock picking, inventory, sales, etc.) - Works with all models of scanner hardware (SSH client required)
Stock Scanner Print:
Allows you to connect a printer to a bar code scanner
These modules can be integrated and adapted to your needs. Syleam can assist you and advise you according to your resources and needs to integrate management software as well as specific modules developed by us, thus implying a knowledge of the elements.
See also