UNIBAC is the result of the co-operation among Finder Pompe, Politecnico Innovazione - association of the Politecnico of Milan - and the faculty of Agriculture of the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore of Piacenza; it is a high-tech and very innovative system that will revolutionize the conveying of grapes, must, wine and other fluids from the wine tubs to the barrels. UNIBAC allows a very delicate and accurate conveying of grapes, must and wine, while respecting all qualities of the precious nectar. The system is installed on a trolley that has been designed by keeping into consideration the most advanced ergonomic principles. It can be easily driven and can therefore be used in many applications within the wine cellar.
The system introduces remarkable advantages:
- the start/stop of the unit through pre-set parameters
- setting of the starting time
- to define the quantity of the lliquid to be transferred
- to verify the time required to complete the liquid transfer
- to modify the transfer time by changing the instant flow rate
- the reading, in real time, of system features, such as: instant flow rate, total flow rate, temperature, pressure and, as an option, CO2 and Brix values.
- Complete reversibility
- smooth transfer of must and wine
- Extremely simple cleaning, washing and maintenance
- Remote control
- Ergonomic design
See also