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Industrial trailers

With this new shrinkforming burner designed for the Hornet shrinkforming gun, operators can work standing and cover wider surface areas than with short burners, while enjoying an exceptional 160 kW of...

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Coutier industry manufactures and markets an entire range of wheeled towing bases. It helps to make little trains of around ten trolleys, which support production lines in various components (small parcels, containers, pallets, etc.). “ It’s a much more efficient and safe solution, than using a forklift, which is limited to transporting a single load at a time," says sales manager Dominique Lang. "The main assets of our wheeled bases is saving time, with simultaneous transfers of several loads, saving space, the system can move around in narrow lanes and is easily handled by the operation. Not to mention its security, mainly in terms of noise”.


Unlike other rival products which are fixed by means of a hook and a ring, the towing wheeled bases of Coutier Industry, are marketed under the trademark "Transsilence" and have a ball and coupler system. It takes away any kind of traction noise and guarantees optimal safety pertaining to trajectory and braking. "Our approach," adds Dominique Lang, "also stands out through the use of various standard floor dimensions for our base plates. The material is always in stock and we can deliver in less than a week. Moreover, depending on the choice of their components (wheels, brake, floor height...),"Transsilence" wheeled bases  can easily be adjusted to respond the client’s needs in the best possible manner.


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Handling equipment Accessories and spare parts Other vehicles Lift truck Hand truck Electric stackers Platform trucks Handling platforms


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