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Traceability | Monstock - Traceability management software

Traceability software

“ 1. Mobility access including offline and real time, 2. Complete secure cloud solution with immediate start, 3. Digitization and simplification of processes to increase productivity 4. Customization of the solution to all needs (process, documents, etc.) 5. Use of available material, does not require specific material 6. Easy and fast integration with internal and external applications 7. Complete view of processes, operations and flows from suppliers to customers 8. Simplification and structuring of processes 9. Control of stocks and flows to reduce costs of your Supply Chain ”
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Monstock allows you to manage the complete traceability of your products, but also of all the actions carried out in your Supply Chain management and logistics. This gives you full visibility into all your processes, from your suppliers (raw products), through your warehouses (semi-finished products), to your customers (finished products).
Indeed, Monstock manages your various sites (warehouses, depots, stores, factories, urban hubs, vehicles, dark stores, advanced stocks, etc.) and locations (unlimited management of locations on a site, technology similar to Amazon to manage, between others, different products at the same location or not). You thus know in real time the position of your products / equipment / orders, their status, in which handling unit they are located, with which transporter, etc.
Traceability thus contributes to controlling the quality of products and services and protecting your image, thanks to complete control of your supply chain as a whole.
It reduces preparation errors and litigation, improves the productivity of receptions, guarantees the maintenance of the cold chain for products requiring it, increases the efficiency of withdrawals and product recalls in the event of crisis or fight against counterfeiting while reducing logistics costs.



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See also

Organizer Management Software Other software Financial/ accounting software Storage and warehousing software Distribution software Storage software Supply-chain-management software


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