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Text OCS

Industrial automation

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This compact system combines a controller, an operator interface, I/O and networking into one seamless solution to help lower control costs while providing unparalleled ease of use.


The OCS has a ladder-based control engine that is powered by the highly-rated Intel 296 processor. This processor provides speed comparable to most mid-sized PLCs.


The SmartStack I/O expansion system allows the OCS to use both digital and analog I/O boards. Up to 4 I/O boards may be stacked onto a single OCS unit, giving you flexibility with various I/O combinations.


The interface to the system can take the form of either a 2x20 or 4x20 LCD display, thus enabling a designer to deliver specific requirements. The 2x20 display is coupled with a 17-button keypad, which allows for direct numeric entry of data, while the 4x20 OCS200 has a full 32-button keypad giving ultimate flexibility. Screen creation and control are built into the same ladder editor as function blocks. This allows one program-one package simplicity, thereby saving developers time at both the design and debug stage.

Networking :

Cscape software combines graphical ladder diagram programming (IEC-1131 compliant) with operator interface messaging to completely integrate the OCS package. Design engineers and end users will enjoy reduced development time with a straightforward approach to programming that integrates logic, messaging and networking into a single solution operating in the Windows environments.

While the OCS is perfect for stand-alone applications, the true differentiator of the OCS is the integrated network. The OCS100 and 200 come with a CAN network port. This allows the user to choose between the industry standard DeviceNet slave protocol, or Horner's own true peer-to-peer protocol, CSCAN. Both offer high performance fieldbus networking.

DeviceNet is a master/slave protocol with limited peer-to-peer data exchange. The CSCAN protocol is optimized for peer-to-peer data, and is ideal for distributed control and data-collection applications. Using either protocol, OCS offers the ability to program, monitor, or debug any node on the network simply by having a serial connection at any location.


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See also

Industrial Robotics Remote control Human machine interface Orders Cartesian robots Articulated robots Robotised cell 4 axis robot


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