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Terminal VoIP

Voice over IP

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Mitel Navigator is a breakthrough communications device that radically enhances the meaning of voice, video and data convergence on the desktop. With an entirely new form factor, Mitel Navigator delivers an unrivalled user experience and can be personally tailored for specific horizontal and vertical market applications. It is a sleek, silver device that is designed to fit neatly under a flat screen monitor. This unique IP Desktop communications control panel supports both SIP and Mitel's IP Protocol (MiNet).

To simplify task navigation, nine programmable keys can be used to access a variety of telephony functions and computer applications. Using the Navigator keypad or a mouse, these buttons invoke telephony features or launch PC applications or business processes. Multiple appearances give the user the ability to access up to 27 commands and tasks. The Mitel Navigator also supports PC speakers and headphones that can be used with the embedded full-duplex microphone and speakers for hands-free or conference calling. Perhaps its most intriguing feature is the ability to use the device to play music from the computer and have the music stop when a phone call is initiated or received.

Mitel Navigator is a more effective method of delivering an integrated, application rich, large color screen desktop device as opposed to an expensive color screen phone offered by other companies.

The end result is pretty compelling: a phone with an innovative form factor that is easy to use, yet that can deliver powerful functionality and applications via a tightly knit interface to the PC world. Navigator will work in conjunction with applications such as Mitel Your Assistant™ and environments such as Microsoft® Office Live Communications Server 2005 (migrating to Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007 in early 2008).



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See also

PC-cards Mother board Sound card Graphics card Network card PCI card Acquisition card PC adapter card


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