ADVANTAGES Printing: In-line flexographic printing of wallet Compliance: Complies with the industry standards of sterility Flexibility: Processes crepe and hard kraft walleting materials Validation: Fully validated, GMP, CE and OSHA compliant Optional AGPM unit, an online cuffing system that automatically handles glove placement. A link to a platen sealer for outer pouching is possible. PROCESSES Auto-Glove Placement: Automatic or manuel placement of the gloves onto the packaging web Packaging: The wallets are cut off, tucked and folded Transfer of the finished wallets to a packaging table or packaging machine - ideal: HDW Optima with headquarters in Schwaebisch Hall, Germany, teams with its subsidiaries to design and build packaging equipment for pharmaceutical, consumer, nonwoven and life science products – from single standard machines to complete complex turnkey systems.
I need optima gloves packing Machine