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Software DIPPR L07+

Technical data management

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Pure component thermodynamic properties database
ProSim is one of the few distributor of the DIPPR® database from AICHE's (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). This database, the main reference for the thermophysical properties of pure components, contains the properties of numerous components, including all industrially relevant components. The properties covered include data for 29 fixed-value properties (molar weight, critical temperature, critical pressure, etc.) and correlation coefficients for 15 temperature-dependent properties (liquid and vapor heat capacity, vapor pressure, liquid and vapor viscosity, etc).

ProSim's DIPPR L07+ is an enriched version of the DIPPR® database. It provides reliable and up-to-date information for 2105 compounds. The information added by ProSim's experts comes from in depth research projects and studies.

With DIPPR L07+, users have access to the best pure components properties data available. This guarantees them the most reliable results when performing thermodynamic calculations and process simulation, in particular with ProSim's software, explains Stéphane Déchelotte, Chief Executive Officer of ProSim.

The DIPPR L07+ database is provided as a standalone with Component Plus, ProSim's pure component properties database management software or can be integrated in ProSim's solutions when requested.

Component Plus allows consistent and complete management of pure component properties databases. Its main applications are :
- create, delete, modify, share pure components properties databases,
- add, delete, modify all records of pure components, within a database,
- copy-cut-paste pure components data between two databases,
- graphic display different properties of pure components.


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See also

Software for technical appliances Calculation software CAD, Design CAD, Technical design Manufacturing, CAM Graphic software Behavioral simulation Workflow


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