The order server completes the laser marking system Mark 2000. It was developed to work with order data, which are provided by another system, for example by a SAPsystem , either half automatically with an user interface, or fully automatic .
The user interface is adjustable, various order data can be shown very detailed in a certainstage of the application.
Basically, there is a wide range of filter and sort functions, also ergonomic and manual functions, the user can work with on his application.
Furthermore, the user is able to overlook the order specific layout (job) with real data any
time. Therefore, he can easily find failures, for example from the data base, or from the
layout, or he can make a printout before a new layout is been released.
The user is free in choosing a data entry format. He can use the NWL-data format or an
individual data entry module.
The order server is fully network compatible and can be easily integrated in the customer
specific network.
There is an option for an interface for control systems (PLC), which can be equipped according
to customer needs. Herewith, the order server can control a complete handling system.
By means of the integrated configuration dialogs, the relevant system settings and progress
can be changed any time.
See also
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