Green Hills Software provides a comprehensive solution for developing 68K/CPU32-based applications:Software development toolsMULTI™ development environmentsQuickly develop, thoroughly debug,...
“ Application - all-round potting compound - manufacture of molded articles by casting ”
Particularly I have chosen three items from Wacker range of products: ELASTOSIL RT 733 TC SILGEL 612 LUMISIL 590 HRI I am interested to buy the least possible amount of each for test purposes. For example, 1 kg per item. Let me know about availability and delivery times of this products. Also, I could be interested in possible alternatives: particularly in thermal-cured silicones with Low and High[…] Particularly I have chosen three items from Wacker range of products: ELASTOSIL RT 733 TC SILGEL 612 LUMISIL 590 HRI I am interested to buy the least possible amount of each for test purposes. For example, 1 kg per item. Let me know about availability and delivery times of this products. Also, I could be interested in possible alternatives: particularly in thermal-cured silicones with Low and High refraction indexes. Find out more +
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