VeriFone's Sapphire Management Suite (SMS) was designed for store owners that want to know the details of what their store is selling, how and when purchases are being made, what time of day sales are coming in, what cashiers are voiding, and more. This invaluable set of tools provides the competitive advantage of using the latest technology for real-time data access in order to better understand your business, reduce expenses, increase sales and maximize profits. SMS consists of four modules:
- The Journal Browser allows you to view a “paper” receipt electronically. Its a fast and easy way to view all store transaction information and filter down to specific line-item receipt details. Its convenient electronic format allows for easy downloading into a database for subsequent analysis.
Configuration Manager
- The Configuration Manager provides utilities to easily configure key components of your store remotely including price changes and day and night menu updates.
Transaction Manager
- The Transaction Manager allows you to quickly filter, find and view store data through an easy-to-use, browser-style application. Whether you're tracking no-sales or voids, managing loss prevention is as simple as selecting a transaction type and running a real-time report.
Report Navigator
- The Report Navigator offers users a fast and convenient way to run standard and custom reports for any number of store locations. Custom reports such as End of Shift and End of Day provide invaluable insight into the overall efficiency of an operation.
Benefits of SMS at a glance:
* Simplified access to store POS data
* View up-to-the-minute sales and cashier monitory reports such as Voids and No-Sales
* Manage fuel inventory and high margin merchandise more efficiently
* Make fuel and merchandise price changes instantly
* Remote access to store data improves management response to competitive prices
* Faster access to report data for real-time decision making
* Software is easily installed on any PC and connects to the Sapphire site controller by simply entering the IP address associated with the store
See also