Designed with top-of-the-line notebook computers in mind, this high performance drive delivers the capacity and speed needed to supercharge a notebook PC without compromising battery life or quiet...
“ Simple but complete ”
Also for WAVE L, IMET focuses on ergonomics with a transmitter shaped according to the application needs: 25mm diameter motion buttons enabling easy use when wearing industrial gloves, mushroom head STOP button protected from falls.
In addition, with M550D WAVE L10, IMET enables top level features. In fact this model is equipped with a LCD screen (two 8 character lines) for displaying machine feedback information.
WAVE L is ideal for overhead cranes equipped with second hoist, grab, electromagnets, medium size tower cranes, etc.
WAVE L transmitters are available with 10 and 12 double pressure motion buttons, they all feature a Start/Horn button, a mushroom head Stop button and removable contactless safety key for restricted operation as standard. Room for an optional rotary switch, push button, toggle switch or potentiometer is available.
See also