High-speed printing.
At 10 cpi, print speed ranges from 113 cps for letter quality to 448 cps for high-speed draft quality.
Software compatibility.
This printer, uses the Fujitsu DPL24C PLUS command set, but is also compatible with the IBM Proprinter XL24E command set and the Epson ESC/P2 command set.
Multiple fonts.
The printer has nineteen resident fonts: Ten bitmap fonts - Courier 10, Pica 10, Prestige Elite 12, Boldface PS, OCR-B, OCR-A, Correspondence, Compressed, Draft, and High-speed Draft and nine outline fonts - Timeless, Nimbus Sans, and Courier, each in upright, italic, and bold.
Bar Code printing as standard.
The printer has built in support for Barcode printing, 8 industry standard codes without 3rd party boxes or software (EAN13,EAN8,Codabar,Code 3 of 9,UPC,Matrix 2 of 5,Interleaved 2 of 5, Industrial 2 of 5)
Large print buffer.
128K bytes are available in total for storing input data and downloading fonts. A large input data buffer allows you to send files to the printer and return quickly to your application.
Simple switching of paper types.
Parking continuous forms makes it easy to switch between continuous forms and single sheets.
Auto tearoff.
Continuous forms are automatically fed up to the tear-off position at the end of each job.
Periodic cleaning and changing the ribbon cartridge are all that's required.
See also