The task of pressure reducing valves in a hydraulic circuit is to maintain a rather constant outlet pressure despite a higher and changing inlet pressure. They are used when an hydraulic circuit with a higher pressure level (primary side) is to supply another circuit with a lower pressure level (secondary side), without affecting the higher pressure in the primary circuit.
The pressure reducing valve illustrated here is directly controlled. This valve type CDK does not show any leakage when closed and therefore leakage port is not required as is with other conventional pressure reducing valves which act like a spool valve and always do have design related leakage. Override compensation is not possible with type CDK, as this valve is designed as a seated valve. A reversal of the direction of flow is possible up to approx. 2 x Q max. A further benefit of type CDK is the mounting hole, which can be easily manufactured (see dimensions).Special feature of type DK is the tracked pressure switch, where setting of pressure and switch takes place simultaneously via only one adjustment device.
See also