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The news of TRIAX

TRIAX T-type self-locking safety gate to secure your handling between different levels

avril 19, 2022

Pallet bags
When transferring loads between different floors, the risk of falling for the operator and for the loads is particularly high. In order to guarantee the safety of the operator during these operations, the installation of a safety gate, also known as a pallet gate or pallet lock, is necessary.
The T-type safety gate, recommended by TRIAX for low ceilings and high loads, protects the operator during handling between different levels: in the closed position, the edge of the void is secured by a guardrail, and in the open position, the operator stays behind the safety cage while waiting for the end of the operation (loading or unloading).
But even the best safety installation cannot prevent human negligence or malice. If, despite the strict prohibition stipulated in the gate's operating instructions, the operator manipulates the closed guardrail on the void side while inside the safety lock, he puts himself at risk.
To avoid this situation, TRIAX has created the self-locking system for its T-type barriers: it is impossible to manipulate the guardrail that faces the void when it is closed, because it is self-locking; in order to tilt the gate, the operator must be outside the safety zone and manipulate the guardrail from the rails on the platform side.
This self-locking system is optional for TRIAX’s entire range of T-type safety gates.
With almost 30 years of experience, TRIAX is the market leader in the field of safety gates. Our pallet gates are entirely designed and manufactured in France, and certified TÜV SÜD.
For more information, please contact us by email triax@triax-securite.com or by phone +33 (0)2 38 76 12 00 :
67 rue des Vignes

Mobile ladder for access to tanks and containers protects operators

juillet 17, 2020

Mobile ladder
Tank domes, when the vehicle is parked in a car park, are difficult to access as the tankers are often only equipped with a ladder and guardrails that are restricted in width.
When taking samples, the operators have to access regularly.

The mobile ladder allows safe access and interventions on the tank dome. Sturdily and solidly built, it  is easy to move, thanks to its chassis equipped with wheels, by means of a manoeuvring tiller (patented system for TRIAX). The TRIAX mobile ladder has been tested and approved in accordance with current legislation and is certified by two inspection bodies: NORISKO (formerly AFITEST) and TÜV SÜD (German certification body).

Height-adjustable, mobile, lightweight and easy to use, the TRIAX ladder is suitable for all types of tanks.
It is equipped with 4 wheels, two of which are retractable. This system also acts as a safety gate as it prevents access to the ladder when it is not rested on its fixed supports.

The safety cage ensures maximum safety for the operator on the dome of the tank.

There are two versions of this safety ladder: the first allows access to tanks, the second is conceived  to facilitate work on containers, but also allows the securing of tank domes.

For more information: visit our website www.triax-securite.com or contact us by email triax@triax-securite.com or by phone +33 (0)2 38 76 12 00.

New: Safety ladder with lateral access

mars 26, 2019

Mobile ladder
Access to the dome of vehicles is always a risk factor. The surface of the dome is unstable and depending on the contents of the tank or container, it can be slippery. It only takes one wrong move to cause a fall that can, in the worst case, be fatal.
The TRIAX safety mobile ladder protects the operator during its accession and its evolution on the dome thanks to its corbelling.
Depending on the situation and available space, frontal access to the vehicle is not always possible. This is why TRIAX has developed its new safety mobile ladder with lateral access. Thanks to an ingenious winch system, the ladder can tilt back to back off from the tank without the operator having to move it. In this way, the operator can move the ladder parallel to the vehicle in a restricted area.
Access to the corbelling is possible via an aluminum ladder with bars. This ladder is adjustable in height by using a winch. The height of the mobile ladder with lateral access is adjustable from 2650 mm to 4400 mm. Access is facilitated by two ramps.
This new safety mobile ladder with lateral access combines an easy access even in difficult environments, and total security of the operator during his interventions: a practical and innovative concept.
For further information:
67 rue des Vignes
Tel. +33 (0)2 38 76 12 00 / Fax  +33 (0)02 38 76 17 25
triax@triax-securite.com – www.triax-securite.com

Folding stairways TRIAX protect the operator on top of tankers or containers

décembre 14, 2015

The folding stairs TRIAX guarantee the safety of the operators accessing the top of the tank or container. They are height-adjustable.

They exist in two different versions : catwalk with a flat deck and catwalk with steps. The corbelling protects the working area on the tank.

The structure consists of sliding grid steps and a continuous handrail. The steps stay horizontally in every position thanks to a parallel guidance system. The surface of the catwalk ist skid-proof. No need for any particular maintenance.

Corbelling version: the corbelling is adjusted by two counterweights. It is locked in both end positions.

The folding stairs TRIAX  are tested and approved by the TÜV SÜD.

Safety pallet gates – safe handling of loads at height

septembre 14, 2015

Protective barrier

The safety of the operators working in height is the heart of TRIAX's business. No risk of fall is acceptable, as it implies important consequences both for the equipment and for the operators. Reliability, quality and robustness of the installation and the material are thus essential.

Today still, a great number of warehouse structures are conceived only to answer objectives of optimization of financial ressources and according to the dimensional limits on the ground floor or in the height of the building. However, these structures absolutely require a global protection whilst enabling the operator to manipulate fast and easily the safety equipment.

"Whether the customer needs a standard solution or a specific creation ex nihilo, we assist him in the defining of his specific needs of safety material", indicates Dorothée Wavrer, marketing and communication manager with TRIAX.  After all,the main part of TRIAX' activity is the custom-made range with a dynamic technical sales team meeting the customer at his place in order to suggest the solution the best adapted to his environment. "A personalized and individual approach is essential, especially when you meet working environments where constraints are quite important."

The safety pallet gates TRIAX are the only ones having obtained the TÜV SÜD certification. TRIAX offers a large range of pallet gates and goes from the "simple" swinging safety gate to the semi-watertight gate-door. "Painted, in stainless-steel or galvalized, reinforced version, food construction : we have a large number of options allowing every request to meet its requirements. Every situation is a new challenge which TRIAX meets with great pleasure!"

Meet us at the A+A hall 6 booth A 23!




67, rue des Vignes

F-45240 Marcilly en Villette / France

Tel.: +33 (0)2 38 76 12 00 - Fax +33 (0)2 38 76 17 25





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