septembre 06, 2024
Diesel power generatorsjanvier 07, 2020
Diesel power generatorsGELEC Energy conceived and 4 power plants for grid injection in Greece to support the Greek national electricity supply.
Build 4 biomass power plants of 6,2 MVA and inject renewable energy into the national grid.
+ 10 BIOIL generators of 620 kVA each spread over the 4 different sites. STAGE III Generators are synchronized to run 24/7 and 8100 hours per year.
+ 5 tanks of 200 tons of fuel were installed on each site
+ Each building is equiped with high-voltage 1250 kVA ABB transformer.
How powerfull are these power plants?
+ 900 kWh
+ 900 kWh
+ 700 kWh
+ 600 kWh
Power: 6,2 MVA
Country: Greece
décembre 17, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Isolated temporary construction sites – the electricity is supplied either by a generator set or by an expensive temporary connection to the national grid.
A major French civil engineering company wished to be able to supply its construction site facilities with the aim of improving energy efficiency and promoting sustainable development.
Produce a transportable micro hybrid electricity and cogeneration plant.
5 kWc photovoltaic plant, expandable to 10 kWc,
+ Generator set using 20 kVA BiOil technology
+ Tanks containing Diesel fuel and Pure Plant Oil (BiOil) for the generator.
+ Storage facility equipped with OPZV batteries: total capacity of 46 kWh
+ 24 kVA bidirectional Inverters
+ Cogeneration system with 2 X 1000-litre tanks
+ 20-ft. ISO All-in-One Container
décembre 17, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Supply two isolated schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Install for every schools an hybrid system with :
+ a 20kVa generator set
+ a 24 kVa HPOD
+ solar panels.
Generator set power : 20 kVA
HPOD power : 24 kVA
Capacity : 32 kWh
décembre 10, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Secure the power supply of a biomass power plant in case of loss of EDF network.
Installation of a generator 42 kVA. The BIOIL kit will be integrated into the generator in a few weeks. The unit allows the cooling of the plant.
Power : 42 kVA
décembre 03, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Back up the electricity supply to pumps in a water pumping station. The community still has a potable water supply despite power cuts.
Install a 200 kVA generator set.
Power : 200 kVA
novembre 26, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Power an isolated construction site.
Supply a crane-lifted 250 kVA generator set to supply a construction site.
Power : 250 kVA
novembre 19, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Back up the electricity supply for CANAL+ in Dakar.
Install a 350 kVA generator set.
Power : 350 kVA
novembre 12, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Electricity supply to renovation works on a listed historical site without access to the EDF grid.
Supply a 42 kVA generator set providing a continuous supply to the renovation site.
Power : 42 kVA
novembre 05, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Electricity supply to a fort listed as a historical monument on an island off the cost of Saint-Malo.
Supply and helicopter airlift a 22 kVA generator set to supply the site.
The fort’s owner can start and stop the generator set remotely from the mainland !
Power : 22 kVA
octobre 28, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Supply a mobile plastics crusher and recycling unit.
Integrate a 360 kVA generator set in a container with custom dimensions.
Power : 360 kVA
octobre 22, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Need for electricity on construction sites not connected to the mains supply.
Supply a 180 kVA generator set to supply all of the construction sites.
Power : 180 kVA
octobre 16, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Supply a cereal silo and back up part of the facility.
Install a 200 kVA generator set.
Power : 200 kVA
octobre 02, 2019
Diesel power generators
Need to back up the electricity supply to the factory during regular power blackouts in Belgium.
Install a 750 kVA generator set.
Power : 750 kVA
septembre 10, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
The civil defence unit needed to supply electricity 24/7 to a field hospital. The system was airlifted.
Supply 2 airliftable 55 kVA generator sets to supply the camp for each deployment.
The generators are UN-approved.
Power : 55 kVA
septembre 03, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Need for electricity supply to rides on an isolated site.
Supply a remotely operated 140 kVA generator set.
Power : 140 kVA
août 27, 2019
Diesel power generatorsPROBLEM :
Embassy (in Paris) wishing to back up part of its electrical installation against power cuts.
Install a 200 kVA generator set.
Power : 200 kVA
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