Innovation in metal processing: Innovation in metal processing: Optimised sawing technology with BehrCtrl and AFC Pro
mars 11, 2025
Automatic band saw
With the new generation of its machine control system, the Behringer Group is setting new standards in the operation of band and circular saws. The innovative BehrCtrl10 and Auto-Feed-Control (AFC Pro) systems simplify the sawing process considerably and offer solutions for the increasing shortage of skilled labour in metalworking.
Intuitive operation and greater efficiency
The new control system enables intuitive machine operation. Thanks to automatic determination of optimum sawing parameters, the system can also be operated safely and efficiently by employees without in-depth prior knowledge. The AFC technology ensures a dynamic and predictive sawing process, which significantly increases the cutting performance, particularly for round material and pipes. At the same time, tool life is extended and material throughput is optimised.
By selecting different performance modes, operation can be flexibly adapted to production requirements - from resource-saving work to maximum throughput and maximum productivity. In all modes, the cutting precision and the quality of the cutting surface remain consistently at the highest level.
New high-performance bandsaws for aluminium
Behringer presents the new HBM400ALU-Z high-performance aluminium band saw for applications in aluminium and non-ferrous metal processing. With extremely short cutting times - for example, just 10 seconds for a diameter of 300 mm - and minimal non-productive times, it is ideal for use in aluminium production, forging and extrusion, especially in front of forging presses.
Interlinked production in steel construction and the section steel trade
The processing of sectional steel in particular requires consistent and efficient processes. At SteelDays 2025, Behringer will be presenting combined production solutions that link sawing with other processing steps such as drilling, milling, blasting and preservation. This allows complete process chains to be automated and increases the efficiency of pre-processing.
Supporting programme
From 13 to 15 May 2025, Behringer is inviting visitors to the ‘Steeldays’ in-house exhibition at its headquarters in Kirchardt. In addition to the machines on display, visitors can look forward to exciting technical presentations, exclusive tours of the state-of-the-art iron foundry and sociable networking evenings.
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