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Poly-combustible heater

Heat production equipment

“ Use of liquid biofuels ”
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The poly-combustible heaters are able to burn canola seed, cottonseed, sunflower vegetable oils...

They profit from high quality equipment characterized by robustness and an outstanding longevity.

They are compatible with conventional households and are efficient as the air/combustible spray principle gives them a great flexibility and an extended reliability.

Non polluting: the combustion measures obtained during the tests are estimated to be under the domestic fuel characteristic values.

The BPCs are both ecological and cost-efficient as they use on one hand a sustainable raw material (synthesized thanks to plants) and on the other hand they are an alternative solution to come out from the petroleum monoculture.

The poly-combustible heaters can also work with domestic fuel, and possibly with mineral oils, according to the regulation in force.

The complete combustion is ensured by the simultaneous operation of three circuits :

The combustible circuit: its power supply is carried out by the pump inside the heater tank and permits to come to the accurate oil temperature

The combustive air circuit, supplied by the air shutter upstream from the fan and introduced up to the combustion head

The compressed air circuit that allows to suck and spray the oil in the air flow

The air/oil mix supplies the combustion and the energy production.

The whole process is controlled by an automatic ignition & safety system of the heater.



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Production equipment IT equipment Production equipment electronics Food industry equipment Food safety Cooling systems Preparation Chemistry and Pharmacy


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