The pneumatic boosters, or pressure multipliers proposed by SENGA are recommended for filtered compressed air systems (with or without lubrication) in order to provide a higher pressure than that available at the inlet. Thus they multiply the inlet pressure by a factor of 2, 3 or 4 (depending on the model).
Operating at a maximum supply pressure of 10 bar, these pressure boosters are temperature resistant from -20°C to +50°C.
They should be installed with the supply side up.
These pneumatic suppressors are available in different versions:
40 diameter and 2-1 compression ratio
Diameter 63 and compression ratio 2-1
Diameter 100 and 2-1 compression ratio
Diameter 40 and compression ratio 3-1
Diameter 40 and compression ratio 4-1
Discover the SENGA range in our catalogue.
*CAUTION: All sliding elements and seals are lubricated with a special high performance grease. In case you start using lubricated air, you will have to persist constantly
Fluid: filtered compressed air (with or without lubrication*)Max. working pressure: 10 bar Working temperature: between -20°C and +50°C