The pivotal intermediate landing platform in galvanized steel allows to separate fixed ladders when the crossing height is higher than 8m.
Material can be adapted on all ladders
Unlocking by rising the handle and by putting the pedal down. Automatic closing ensured by hydraulic actuator
Conform to NF E 85-016 and EN 14122-4 norms.
Functioning principles :
While rising it: pull on the handle located under the landing and push C21 completely on the side to surpass a 90° angle, a hydraulic retardant will maintain the C21 open for an (adjustable) time allowing to use it and continue rising it to ensure automatic closing and locking.
While putting it down: press the pedal with foot and push the landing laterally. The hydraulic retardant will close the C21 after a person passes through.
Our material is delivered along with a mounting kit and mounting instructions. A 400 mm opening in the crinoline is required to couple the landing.