“ Compliance Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC depending on the equipment Directive on VOCs 2004/42/EC amending and replacing Directive 1999/13/EC of 11 March 1999 (reducing solvent emissions) applicable on 01 January 2007 ”
Equipment for the inspection of parts in the aeronautical sector.
Description :
Penetrant inspection (non-destructive test)
Used to detect material or welding defects in parts linked to wear and defects in various fields of activity: aviation, metalworks, railway, mechanical fields, etc...
Full penetrant inspection facilities (Non-Destructive Testing) for :
application of the penetrant (coloured or fluorescent) on the parts under daylight or with ultraviolet rays
rinsing of the parts (facility with wastewater recovery system)
drying of the parts (drying at 50 to 70T)
white light developer
defect viewing (verification/reading room)
Vertical ventilation (closed) booths or horizontal ventilation (open) booths :
Booth ventilation for penetrant and developer application compliant with the standards applicable to liquid spray booths.
Customised facilities :
Multi-purpose booth: we can group together the following different consecutive steps into the same booth, according to the pace of the works: 1&2, 4&5, 1&2&3&4&5.
Advantages :
- Modular and customisable
- Operator safety
- Ergonomics
- Eco Responsible: containment of pollutants
Compliance :
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC depending on the equipment
Directive on VOCs 2004/42/EC amending and replacing Directive 1999/13/EC of 11 March 1999 (reducing solvent emissions) applicable on 01 January 2007
See also