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Oxylos Leak / O2 / CO2

Gas analysis

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The OXYLOS LEAK / O2 / CO2 allows you to measure the rate of O2 / CO2 and the airtightness across all types of containers and packaging, with or without protective atmosphere, and without having to use any consumables (no need to use needles or septums). Automated and safe, the OXYLOS can be adapted to your production constraints, providing you with sampling tools and customised positioning. The high-end analyser from the ABISS brand provides you with solutions for packaging when space above the contents is limited. Able to be synchronised to the packaging line, the OXYLOS becomes autonomous and does not require an operator in order to carry out measurements. This analyser is ideal for production.

The OXYLOS LEAK / O2 / CO2 allows you to measure the rate of O2 / CO2 and the airtightness across all types of containers and packaging, with or without protective atmosphere, and without having to use any consumables (no need to use needles or septums). Automated and safe, the OXYLOS can be adapted to your production constraints, providing you with sampling tools and customised positioning. The high-end analyser from the ABISS brand provides you with solutions for packaging when space above the contents is limited. Able to be synchronised to the packaging line, the OXYLOS becomes autonomous and does not require an operator in order to carry out measurements. This analyser is ideal for production.
    3 en 1: MAP + micro Leak + burst
    Standards :
        DIN 55508-1 : Flow measurement under constant pressure
        ASTM F1140 – Seal resistance
        ASTM F2054 – Burst testing
    No consumable
    Fully hand safe
    Laser positionning tool for sample
    Can be synchronised to conveyors
    Effective hole size calculation down to 5 μm
    Solutions where available space above the product is limited
    Fully traceable via an internal spreadsheet
    The needles are cleaned automatically
    Remote maintenance 7 days a week, with remote connection available

Nous recherchons une solution pour nos clients dans la mesure de gaz et de fuite


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See also

Chemical analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids Electrodes, Measuring probes


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