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My Book Studio Edition II-Dual-drive Storage System with RAID

Hard drives

“ Fast, Green and Mac® Ready ”
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Quad interface, RAID-enabled, about 30% less power consumption, formatted for Mac. The My Book Studio Edition II treads lightly on the earth and carries big performance for creative professionals.

Product Features

The speed you need - Lightning-fast FireWire® 800 combined with RAID 0 (Striped) yields the speed you need for smooth video editing, rendering complex 3D objects or special effects and saving huge blocks of data in record time.

Cooler, quieter, eco-friendlier -
Designed to use only drives with WD GreenPower Technology, this system uses about 30% less energy than standard systems and runs quietly because it doesn't need a fan.

(* Based on comparison between a 1 TB dual-drive system using 7200 RPM drives and a 1 TB dual-drive system using drives with WD GreenPower Technology)Formatted for Mac® - Compatible with Apple's Time Machine™. Includes software and instructions for reformatting to Windows®.

Quad interface
- Power your creativity with connections for ultra-fast eSATA and FireWire 800. For flexibility and convenience, FireWire 400 and USB 2.0 are also included.

User serviceable -
Want to upgrade a drive? Simply open the case and replace the existing drive – no screwdriver needed.

Automatic backup software
- Back up important projects to multiple destinations including file servers, portable drives and My Book. Set it and forget it; every time you save a change it's automatically backed up.

Capacity gauge -
See at a glance how much space is available on your storage system.

Intelligent drive management features
- Automatic power-up, Safe Shutdown, and LED status and activity lights make this storage system especially easy to use. (Works with USB and FireWire connections only.) 5-year limited warranty

NOTE: RAID 0 (striped) accesses the full capacity of the drives. RAID 1 (mirrored) accesses half of the total capacity for data protection.


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See also

Data Storage USB sticks Memory cards CD-DVD and BluRay Digital diskettes and cartridges


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