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Multipoint sampler and doser : INNOVA 1403

Gas analysis

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An increasing number of legislative measures are aimed at improving air quality in workplace environ- ments. These improvements require gas monitoring equipment with the flexibility to provide sensitive and accurate monitoring in a variety of environments.

The INNOVA 1403 Multipoint Sampler and Doser from LumaSense Technologies is designed to be remote-controlled from a PC using a USB interface with an INNOVA 1512 or 1412i Photoacoustic Gas Monitor to provide a flexible, sensitive and accurate monitoring system.

The 1403 greatly increases the area monitoring capabilities of the Gas Monitor by drawing air samples through tubing from up to six sampling points, up to 50 m away, and delivering them to the Gas Monitor.

Comprehensive air exchange analysis and ventilation efficiency checks are easily performed using  the 1403’s dosing facilities. Tracer gas is deliv-ered through tubing to “label” the air.

The amount of tracer gas delivered is automatically calculated by the 1403. The labeled air is then sampled by the 1403 and delivered to the Gas Monitor for analysis. The 1403 factory calibration and self-checking routines allow for easy verification of the unit’s operation and ensure reliable functioning.

The sampler system is constructed of AISI-316 stainless steel and poly tetrafluoro-ethylene (PTFE) tubing to minimize absorption of samples. The system has six inlet channels, each with a solenoid valve.

Each inlet channel has a tube-mounting stub on the 1403’s front plate. Six tubes of up to 50 m connect each channel to the respective sampling point. The six inlet channels converge into one; a three-way valve then directs the gas sample to the 1512 or the 1412i for analysis or through the  pump to the waste-air outlet on the 1403’s backplate.

A pressure transducer checks the efficiency of the sampling pump and allows checks for blocked airways. It is recommended that an air filter is attached to the end of each sampling tube to keep the samples free of particles


We need the following equipment : Multipoint sampler and doser : INNOVA 1403 Quantity : 02


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See also

Chemical analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids Electrodes, Measuring probes


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