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MPX6 Dynamic White

Spot light

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MPX 6DW Series are used in project such as media facades lighting, outdoor video display where high brightness, broad color temperature and standard pixel pitch distance is needed. Splendid effects can be animated with large fixtures without limitation of geometry, shape and range. It uses X-PD 512 as a power supply. MPX 6DW Series produced in 100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm, 400 mm 500 mm pixel pitch in standard dimensions. However in case of customer demand, pixel pitch distance can be customized. Dome cover can be used for changing angle and appearance. Unit consists of 12 LEDs and can be seen from long distances.

• It communicates with other fixtures by standard DMX 512 and RDM protocols without requirements of any special communication protocols or production identity. It is addressed by assigning start address to X-PD512, in the sequel products address are assigned automatically. By courtesy of this feature pixel mapping and addressing are easier.

• Maximum 40 pixels can be linked in snake mode.

• This product is recommended to use with cable no longer than 30m due to its 24VDC working voltage. Starting cable (5m) is included.

• Working status of fixtures, local temperature values, voltage input and output, serial number and DMX address can be monitored via X-PD512. User is informed by mail and system can response automatically according to data.

• Fixtures work compatibly with Madrix® software and hardware. You can choose fixtures in library in order to have easy pixel mapping.

• MPX 6DW Series are produced in 100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm pixel pitch in standard dimensions. However in case of customer demand, pixel pitch distance can be customized. 

• Unit is produced in Direct View. Dome cover can be used for changing angle and appearance. Transparent and opaque covers are resistant to UV light and impact. Due to its PMMA and PC materials, it will not go yellow.

• Fixtures are designed for harsh outdoor condition and resistant against vibration, impact and thermal shock owe to their solid aluminum structures, special filling material and IP67 class protection markings.

• Power and data are transmitted by input and output connectors. IP68 screw type connectors can be installed easily.  Additional junction boxes are not needed with input and output.

• There are holes 4 mm in diameter for installation right and left side of fixture. Apart from that, there are slots for steel rope 1mm in diameter.

• Fixtures are produced in RAL7016 grey color but according to customers’ demand fixture can be painted to different RAL colors. 



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Lamp LED Downlight Interior wall-mounted light fitting Strip light Ceiling light Decorative light


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