This colored sign indicates prohibition of barbecuesIn compliance with MFX 08003 ISO 6790/7010 Silk-screen printing Indoor and outdoor use Custom-made on request
“ - Measuring range: -500 to +500 mbar - Easy to use - Adjustable backlight - Hold function and min-max values - Selection of units - Adjustment certificate ”
Made specifically for use in gas network testing, the Kimo MP 130 is an essential instrument for gas professionals.
Micromanometer for gas network leak test
Piezoresistif sensor, hold-min-max functions, adjustable automatic shut-off, adjustable backlight, self calibration. IP54 ABS housing.
Measuring range
Supplied with calibration certificate, sealing kit, and transport case.
Hello. I am sending technical requirements of needed device. Portable micro manometer with flow measurement - Portable anemometer with integrated pressure measurement. Pressure (5 interchangeable modules). 0 to ± 500 Pa, 0 to ± 2500 Pa, 0 to ± 10000 mmH2O, 0 to ± 500 mBar, 0 to ± 2000 millibar. Velocity with pitot: 2 to 100m/s Temperature: Thermocapsule K: -200 to +1300?C, Thermocapsule J: -100 to[…] Hello. I am sending technical requirements of needed device. Portable micro manometer with flow measurement - Portable anemometer with integrated pressure measurement. Pressure (5 interchangeable modules). 0 to ± 500 Pa, 0 to ± 2500 Pa, 0 to ± 10000 mmH2O, 0 to ± 500 mBar, 0 to ± 2000 millibar. Velocity with pitot: 2 to 100m/s Temperature: Thermocapsule K: -200 to +1300?C, Thermocapsule J: -100 to +750?C, Thermocapsule T: -200 to +400?C Air quality: CO temperature measurement: 0 to 500 ppm Find out more +
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