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Micro Miniature Piezo-Tronic IEPE Accelerometer - A/127/V


Different measurement ranges for :  Miniaturized industrial sensors  Triaxial TEDS  2 axes  2 axes and temperature  Very High temperature accelerometers (650°C) Piezoelectric...

“ Miniature, robust, high temperature range up to +185°C (/HT option), tear drop shape. ”
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The new IEPE A/127/V is a miniature teardrop integral electronics voltage source piezoelectric accelerometer. It uses the unique Konic shear ceramic sensing element developed by DJB Instruments founder Don Birchall which offers unrivalled performance in areas such as cross axis repeatability and temperature stability. It’s low mass (1.9gms) renders it almost invisible to most lightweight structure vibration measurement applications whilst offering high frequency response and excellent reliability.
With an all welded titanium construction it offers a maximum high operating temperature of 185°C in HT form whilst maintaining no loss of dynamic range. This high temperature IEPE performance is achieved via DJB’s industry leading hybrid amplifier electronics using its bespoke ultra high temperature ASIC chip.
The signal outlet is via the standard KP (M3.5) miniature microdot connector and is recommended for use with lightweight cable assemblies of a maximum 1mm diameter (available from DJB’s extensive cable assembly facility) It is available in a wide range of sensitivities from 1mV/g up to 100mV/g output, with standard off the shelf versions available as 1 to 100mV/g.
The A/127/V is adhesive mounted and is supplied as standard with a detachment tool to shear the adhesive joints without damaging the internal electronics.

It is also avalilable as a charge output acceleromter : A/27/E

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See also

Vibration analysis Vibrometers Vibration surveillance Other vibration measuring devices


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