When welding high alloy materials, eg. Chrom Nickel Steel, harmful substances are set free that are highly carcinogenic.
A recycling of extracted and filtered clean air to the worshop is only allowed, when the extraction unit has been tested and certified by the BGIA government safety orginisation and institute for occupational health safety).
The BGIA certified, mobile welding fume extraction filter with one ehaust arm meets several test criteria according to the highest level (W3) for the extracting of welding fumes from high alloy steels also with over 30 % chrom- and nickel content. They are available in 2 m, 3 m or 4 m long flexible or rigid exthaust arm lengths.
The resulting harmful gas emission is captured by means of an exhaust hood and fed to a Pre-filter, in which the largest contamination are captured. Therby the endurance of the main filter is consinderably lengthened. The prefiltered air is then passed through the main filter with a filtration efficiency of > 99.9 %, the filtered air is then replaced into the workshop.
All operation and monitoring elements are clearly arranged on a Display. The maintanance of the mandatory airflow, as well as a necessary filter change are reliably monitered and displayed.
The unit can also be fitted with an appropriate Start-/Stop Automatic. The integrated rotation field monitor controls the phase sequence and warns of a wrong fan rotation.
See also