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Manual coiler MANU-COCCI®

Packaging machines

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The manual coiler-winder Highest level of performance
The manual coiler-winder with the highest level of performance
Thanks to its innovative design, the frame of the MANU-COCCI has two advantages over other classic coiling machines:
- It is very stable on the floor. It is thus extremely well suited to cut cables in front of a cable drums' rack.
- For this purpose, it is fitted with 2 fixed wheels, parallel to to the rack, and 2 pivoting locking rollers.
- It can be moved easily thanks to its 2 ergonomic handles.
- The device can be purchased in its manual, more economic version (MANUCOCCI®), and then motorised later (MOTO-COCCI®)
- If the working volumes become larger.
- Dimensions : L 1.500 mm x D 960 mm x H 1.530 mm.
- Weight: approximately 110 kg 
MANU-COCCI® winder version
It allows winding on all types of commercial spools (plastic, plywood, etc.) that have the following dimensions.
- Max Ø : 850 mm
- Max width (if the Ø of the central hole is 82 mm)
- Min Ø of central hole: 25 mm.
The coil driving can be done using a crank and a drive pin of 15 mm Ø, with adjustable position on a rack (from 40 to 200 mm from the shaft).
The MANU-COCCI is fitted with a measuring device for a cable of 50 mm max Ø.
Depending on the type of cable to be measured and the frequency of use, its measuring wheel can be made of striated synthetic material or polyurethane.
In order to properly arrange the coils of the cable next to one another, the measuring device, fitted with a handle, is mounted on a crosswinding bench.
With the new guidance system, the back-and-forth movement is done without any effort. 
MANU-COCCI® winder + coiler version 
It is identical to the version described above and also allows coiling, thanks to a gavette.
The assembling and dismantling of the gavette are fairly quick procedures.
Two gavette models on offer: 
GF750 fix gavette
- Made of zinc-plated steel
- Exterior Ø: 750 mm
- Useable width adjustable from 0 to 230 mm
- Central core Ø 350 mm, slightly conical and consisting of 4 welded blades, which allows tying up. Each blade consists of 2 large tubes (Ø 40 mm), which do not damage the cable.
- Quick dismantling of exterior flange by means of a locking knob. 
GR750 adjustable gavette
- The position of the 4 blades is variable thanks to a drive pin: it is thus possible to chang, quickly and without any effort, the innner Ø of the coil (from 330 to 640 mm).
- The other features are those as described for the GF750 gavette.
As a matter of principle, the measuring of a long product canot be made with a perfect accuracy. It is the user’s responsibility to perform their own tests to identify the percentage of accuracy for the different products to be measured.


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Production equipment IT equipment Production equipment electronics Food industry equipment Food safety Cooling systems Preparation Chemistry and Pharmacy


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