All products of LUTZ - PUMPEN
Offers of LUTZ - PUMPEN - Offers from 1 to 14 on 14
Lutz Drum and Container Pumps for non-flammable liquids
Lutz drum and container pumps are the professional solution for handling of aggressive and corrosive […]
PP 41 for corrosive and neutral liquids
Acids, alkalis, galvanic fluids, phosphates, nitrates, sulphates, chlorates, etc.
Lutz B2 AdBlue
Ideally suited for the transfer of AdBlue® from drums and containers. The infinitely variable speed […]
Lutz Drum and Container Pumps for AdBlue
Adblue® is an aqueous reduction solution, specially developed for SCR systems (selective catalytic […]
HC 42 Ex for highly inflammable chemicals
Buthylchloride, chlorosulfonic acid, gasoline, solvents, alcohols, amines, benzol, toluene, xylene, etc.
SS 41 Ex for highly inflammable liquids
Gasoline, solvents, alcohols, amines, benzol, toluene, xylene, paints and lacquers, etc.
HC 42 for highly corrosive chemicals
Bromine, chlorosulfonic acid, chlorine water, hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid, etc.
SS 41 for corrosive and neutral liquids
Alaun, borax, vinegar, freon, diethanolamine, methylene chloride, trichloromethane, etc.
Alu 41 for neutral, non flammable liquids
Thin-bodied and slightly viscous mineral oils, Diesel fuel, fuel oil, cooling lubricants, crude oil, […]
PVDF 41 for highly corrosive chemicals and neutral liquids
Bromic acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, dimethyle phthalate, potassium bromate, hydrofluoric acid, etc.
Lutz B2 Vario for the laboratory and research sector
For decanting thin bodied acids, alkalis and chemicals such as battery acid, glycols, phosphoric acid, […]
Pump set "Hazardous mediums" for complete drum drainage
For hazardous fluids such as acetone, conc. formic acid, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, conc. acetic […]