Use with a single leg chain sling. In free position, with the sling slack, the chain turns around the load positioner’s tube, which permits to move and position it above the presumed load gravity centre.
When lifting, the chain tension automatically locks the position. Should the load be unbalanced too much (more than 70% effort on 1 leg and less than 30% on the other), put down the load again. Unlock the chain thanks to the opening cable, move the load positioner with the lifting device and resume the operation until the desired position be obtained. Then the handling of the load can be performed.
Important instructions:
* Make sure the chain fastening points on the piece to be lifted are positioned so as to obtain a maximum sling angle of 120°.
* Use a chain whose dimension and WLL are adapted to the load positioner (chain grade 80 DIN/ ISO 3076.
* For any positioning requiring more than 2 fastening points, use several load positioners.
* The effort distribution must not exceed 70% on 1 leg and 30% on the other.
* Working temperature: -20° to +100°C.
See also