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Last mile delivery / Urban Hubs | MONSTOCK

CRM Supplier Relations Management (SRM)

“ 1. Mobility access including offline and real time, 2. Complete secure cloud solution with immediate start, 3. Digitization and simplification of processes to increase productivity 4. Customization of the solution to all needs (process, documents, etc.) 5. Use of available material, does not require specific material 6. Easy and fast integration with internal and external applications 7. Complete view of processes, operations and flows from suppliers to customers 8. Simplification and structuring of processes 9. Control of stocks and flows to reduce costs of your Supply Chain ”
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MONSTOCK allows you to manage last mile delivery and reverse logistics with instructions, but also to manage your urban hubs and optimize your urban logistics.

The boom in online shopping and generalized home deliveries for everyday consumer goods has led to a sharp increase in demands, which come up against strong constraints: environmental, road traffic, multiplicity of delivery sites, high costs, access to the environment difficult urban, etc.

Delivery is the point of contact with your customers, so it is essential that it is perfectly orchestrated, and properly managed.

You can thus set up, thanks to our Smart Supply solution, a system of photos and / or signature by each new intermediary in the product path. You thus extend the traceability of the product until the last moment, to ensure the good delivery of the products.


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