Equipment and supplies for painting
ÖLFLEX® SERVO Core Line acc. Allen Bradley / Rockwell (PUR) Connector with novel, safe screen connection Custom length available Benefits Regional manufactured worldwide available Lapp quality...
“ USER-FRIENDLY COMPACT EQUIPMENT FOR EXCEPTIONAL FINISH - Fast color changes: Under 25 seconds to clean - Efficient powder transfer: TEC5 technology - Easy to operate: 2 minutes from training to production ”
The Inocart VT is perfect for applying an even spray pattern for powders like polyester, epoxy, or acrylic which are supplied in 20 kg (44 lb) boxes. The vibrating table liquidizes the powder and allows the powder pump to move the powder swiftly through the tubing to the manual gun. Powder and energy savings have been incorporated at the heart of the gun's development to reduce work by enhancing productivity and finishing quality of the coating. The TEC5 (Transfer Electronic Control) ensures the self-regulation of the electrostatic charge taking into account the powder flow and distance of the parts in order to optimize the powder transfer and finish quality.
The Inocart VT is easy to clean because of the distinctive Fast-Clean option which also makes it well-balanced and comfortable to operate. The powerful high voltage unit paired with the high voltage control unit Inobox delivers an increased wraparound effect on large parts (D. 500mm / 20 in) and has deep penetration into recessed areas. This reduces the cost of the ownership with a better use rate of powder and reduces the time to spray powder. The Inobox is the main controller behind the Inogun M as it performs the High Voltage and all air controls: current, electrode air clean, injection, and dilution
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