“ The advanced ExtendSim AT/PH technology provides an approach based on throughput observation, in order to model batch processes. It is used to represent flows of systems processing high volumes or very high throughput. A single model can have a hybrid approach, i.e. to combine continuous and discrete flows, with a discrete time management. ”
For a long time, simulation software has been divided into two categories – the discrete world (manufacturing industry with flows of parts, vehicles, workforce, pallets, etc.) and the continuous world (flows of “liquids” processed with differential equations, without the notion of events).
However, in many fields such as chemistry, metalworking industry or food-processing industry, flows (liquids, powders, pellets) are absolutely continuous even though they are part of a discrete environment, both in terms of objects (machines, vehicles, workforce...) and events (commands, failures, shift changeovers...)
ExtendSim AT/PH (Continuous Process and Discrete Rate), is the dynamic simulation software of ExtendSim dedicated to the simulation of manufacturing flows and services with in addition, a Rate library for high-output industrial operations, hybrid flows and Continuous Process applications.
This library includes vats, valves, conveyors and much more, used to model liquid flows or bulk materials while maintaining the representation of individual entities. Perfectly suited to hybrid systems (in which continuous and discrete flows interweave) and to all industrial sectors dealing with very high outputs. This kind of simulation applies both to continuous and batch production, as well as to any process-based industry.
Thus, the process industry is able to take advantage of flow modeling and simulation within its workshops, while not altering the reality of its process. ExtendSim AT/PH models animation is very thorough – it shows at any time the throughput of each point (maximum throughput and actual throughput) and uses intuitive color codes to notify blocking situations or shortages.
See also