The IFR1500 flowmeter is a device dedicated to measure injected volumes or masses but also the injection rate step by step from your injector. It is perfectly suited to the control of high energy multi-shot injection systems fitted to modern diesel or gasoline engines.
- Fast: This instantaneous mass flowmeter allows you to measure up to 10 injections per revolution.
- Compact: Only one device is necessary to measure the quantity injected and the injection rate simultaneously.
- Accurate: It offers ultra-fast and precise measurements of all injection parameters at each turn: quantity injected, injection rate and opening/closing delay.
- Complete: The IFR 1500 gives instant, minimum, maximum and standard deviation measurement of all the parameters you need.
it’s made of :
- a mechanics integrating mass, volume, pressure and temperature measurements
- an electronics managing the measurement cycle and carrying out the calculations at each turn
-xIFR software, supervision interface between the user and the measuring device.
Main fonctions
- Measures independent of pressures, quantities, and timing of injections.
- Back-pressure adjustable from 10 to 200 bar without external equipment (back-pressure generated by the injector).
- Configurable measurement window from 90 to 270° pump (180° to 540° 4-stroke motor).
- Pump speed range from 60 to 4200 rpm (120 to 8400 RPM 4-stroke motor), 1 Hz to 70 Hz.
- Fully integrated injector pilot generator (1 to 10 injections per revolution, automatic increase or decrease test, …).
- Automatic analysis of very effective injections
- Truck
- Boat
- Construction machinery
- Diesel generators