EASYWASH HP 100 is a closed-chamber high-pressure degreasing fountain designed for the cleaning of all types of parts and tools under optimal safety conditions for operators.
It makes it possible to obtain an optimal cleaning result very quickly and economically by high-pressure spraying with a detergent degreasing solution.
It is used with specific detergent degreasing products developed for this application: FUCHS recommends the use of RENOCLEAN® CBR.
It is a robust equipment whose construction entirely in 304L stainless steel and the use of electro-mechanical components of high quality guarantee it a great reliability.
It is an alternative solution to the use of petroleum degreasing solvent and overcomes the disadvantages and risks associated with their toxicological and environmental use.
It meets specific needs and special requirements in terms of speed, accuracy or safety:
For example :
- optimal safety conditions for operators, without the need for specific protective equipment (sealed enclosure avoiding any projection)
- cleaning complex parts,
- cleaning of unitary parts of high added value,
- particularly difficult cleaning.