Habia Cable is a leading international manufacturer of specialist wire and cable. Our RTFRO diesel engine cables have been used for over 20 years by a number of leading diesel manufacturers. Developed...
Whether you call them MIDs (Mobile Internet Devices), PMDs (Personal Mobile Devices), PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), Smartphones, or just cell phones, there is no denying the increased worldwide consumer adoption of mobile devices, driven by the emergence of many killer applications, including mobile e-mail, Internet browsing, digital identity and commerce applications, and the enjoyment of multimedia – anytime, anywhere.
As the mobile device becomes ubiquitous, however, it presents an attractive target for hackers. Mobile-borne viruses, Trojans, and other subversions have been steadily increasing, exceeding the quantity of such malware found on PCs not so long ago. Mobile phones run complex multimedia operating systems – Symbian, Windows Mobile, Linux, MacOS - containing the same types of vulnerabilities that afflict our laptops, desktops and servers.
Green Hills Software, a trusted name since 1982 in systems software solutions for high reliability, safety, and security, provides an operating environment – Platform for Secure Mobile Devices – that guarantees the security of critical information and applications without compromising the user experience. The Platform for Mobile Devices is specifically designed for the cost-sensitive, resource-constrained environment of battery-powered devices, and enables killer applications that are simply not otherwise practicable.
The Platform for Secure Mobile Devices couples a high security microkernel with virtualization features: Green Hills Software’s INTEGRITY™, with Padded Cell technology. INTEGRITY controls the mobile device’s applications microprocessor, memory, and I/O devices, and Padded Cell hosts one or more instances of “guest” mobile operating systems, such as Linux or Windows Mobile. The Platform also includes a software development kit (SDK) that enables device manufacturers and service providers to incorporate secure applications and manage critical data that cannot be compromised regardless of the state of the guest environments.
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