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GeForce 9800 GX2

Graphics card

“ The NVIDIA® GeForce® 9800 GX2 is a powered, dual GPU-based graphics card that powers extreme HD gaming and provides a complete, high def entertainment experience for the PC. ”
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With two on-board GPUs, a GeForce® 9800 GX2-based graphics solution is bar-none the fastest graphics card available, and when paired with a 7 Series NVIDIA nForce® motherboard, creates the latest in a line of powerful NVIDIA gaming platforms.

Be blown away by scorching frame rates, true-to-life extreme HD gaming, and picture-perfect Blu-ray and HD DVD movies.

Lightning speed graphics performance

The dual-GPU engine has 256 screaming fast stream processors and a 1GB framebuffer, allowing it to perform 30 to 50% faster across games than the previous performance leading GeForce 8800 Ultra GPU.

Picture-Perfect HD

Extreme HD game play, unsurpassed movie picture quality, and elegant design are at your fingertips with the GeForce 9800 GX2-based graphics card. Now you can be right in the middle of the action – whether you’re fragging the enemy or watching an HD movie, your experience will be ultra-realistic.

Features to up the ante

An ESA-enabled control panel provides a state-of-the-art interface for performance tuning and monitoring of your graphics card.

Plus, HybridPower™ technology gives you optimal power savings by letting you switch from your GeForce 9800 GX2-based GPU to your motherboard GPU for everyday computing.


Check out all the products from graphics card from NVIDIA

See also

PC-cards Mother board Sound card Network card PCI card Acquisition card PCI Express card Compact PCI card


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