The NVIDIA® GeForce® 9400 motherboard GPU delivers incredible performance at an exceptional price.
Get 16-cores of DirectX® 10 graphics and NVIDIA® CUDA™ technology parallel processing horsepower. Turbo-charge your Optimized PC with features like Hybrid SLI®, PureVideo® HD, and PhysX™ technology.
Expect more from motherboard graphics: “Good enough” graphics are no longer good enough.
DirectX 10 Graphics Performance
Take your graphics to the next level with 16-cores of DirectX 10 graphics and supercharge your application performance with CUDA technology.
Additionally, take advantage of PhysX technology to create rich, immersive physical effects and incredible realism in your games.
Optimize your PC
Enjoy superior graphics performance on today’s most popular games and applications at an affordable price with a GeForce 9-Series mGPU and an entry dual-core CPU.
By building the GPU directly on a motherboard, you can save on space with sleek, small form-factor desktops.
Breathtaking High Definition Video Playback
Experience full-spec playback of your favorite Blu-ray titles. PureVideo HD offloads 100% of movie playback for all HD video formats (H.264, VC1, MPEG-2), delivering stunning, stutter-free video with outstanding audio fidelity.
Innovative Hybrid SLI Technology
Combine select NVIDIA discrete GPUs with NVIDIA motherboard GPUs to boost application performance by over 70%.
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