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Flowmeter for liquids EGM

Liquid flowmeters

“ - Oval Gear technology for high accuracy and repeatability D Direct volumetric measurement of flow - Accuracy of reading is not affected by temperature and viscosity changes - Measures high and low viscosity liquids - Only two moving parts - "Fuel Consumption" option can tolerate flow pulsations and has an inbuilt temperature sensor to correct for the fuel density changes ”
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FLOMEC® EGM-Series Electronic Flowmeters 
Are Hall Effect pulse meters designed for volumetric flow measurement of clean liquids across a broad range of applications in the automotive, aviation, mining, power, chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum industries. The EGM-Series will produce accurate and reliable measurements of almost ail clean liquids, including but not limited to; alcohols, fuels and oils, water based salts and solutions, corrosion inhibitors, brake and transmission fluids, greases, emulsifiers, adhesives, insecticides, and some aggressive chemicals.

Fuel Consumption 
EGM-Series flowmeters with the Fuel Consumption option (lntegral Option 2) are equipped with an integral PT100 temperature sensor which allows for accu rate measurement of fuel consumption on combustion engin es by correcting for temperature differences from the in let to outlet of the engine. lt also includes the Pulsating Flow electronics that eliminate the effect of pulsations in the flow a long with a PT100 sensor for measuring temperature in the flow system. 

Débit : 1 lph - 80 lpm [0.26 USG/Hr -21.1 USG/min] Sizes : 1/8 Temperature range : -15°C to +80°C [5°F -176°F] Factory calibration available Fuel consumption option : can tolerate flow pulsations and has an inbuilt temperature sensor to correct for the fuel density changes
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Industry Petroleum industry Pharmaceutical industrie Automotive industry Marine applications



Check out all the products from category liquid flowmeters

See also

Flow sensors Flowmeters (gas) Gas flowmeters Coriolis flow meter Thermal flow meter Vortex effect flow meter  Floater fitted flow meter  Pitot tube flow meter 


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